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Teaching Space Service


Supporting all teaching and education spaces on campus.

The team’s main role is to support the single network of 380 teaching spaces on campus. This includes classrooms, lecture theatres, IT clusters and collaborative learning spaces.

Additionally, the service supports all communal hybrid meeting rooms found across the main campus.

To get assistance

Call the Estates helpdesk on 0113 34 35555. Report a non-urgent fault by emailing the Estates Helpdesk.

AV Solutions

We provide an AV Solutions consultancy service, offering free technical guidance and advice for anyone wishing to purchase audio visual equipment. This includes meeting rooms, digital signage, and specialised teaching spaces.

Service Level Agreement

Facilities Support Services operate by a Service Level Agreement

The support team provide varied support to a number of University buildings across campus. This includes mail and package sorting, delivery and collection. Other services include the unlocking and locking of designated buildings and an element of security and enquiry point staffing. We also provide portering services for ad hoc events across campus including University degree ceremonies, concerts, open days and conferences.

Fully trained staff are always available to respond to urgent problems when teaching is taking place. We also offer training and assistance on equipment use before the event.

Central Teaching Space Support

Facilities Support Services provides a wide range of support to Central Teaching Space on campus.

We have a rapid-response support team linked to the Facilities Directorate Helpdesk. We also offer training and assistance with the installed AV & IT equipment and can offer dedicated help to special events.

In addition to providing regular checks on all our spaces, we carry out regular refurbishments of teaching spaces (including our award-winning lecture theatre redesigns) ensuring the AV & IT equipment is fit for purpose and meets the changing requirements of our customers.

The support we provide includes:

  • All space checked on a regular basis including all AV and IT equipment, seating and lighting
  • Support staff to respond to user problems and faults within 10 minutes of a call
  • Health and Safety checks on a regular basis
  • Pre-booked assistance at the start of a lecture to ensure equipment is working correctly
  • Pre-booked support throughout an event e.g. conference, open day
  • Training and advice on use of AV and IT equipment

All equipment is regularly serviced and replaced as part of an ongoing refurbishment programme. All rooms meet the agreed minimum standard provision for AV and IT equipment and some rooms have additional equipment which meet particular user requirements.

Hard of hearing

The majority of Central Teaching Space Rooms are fitted with Hard of Hearing (HoH) systems using either IR transmitters or induction loop systems.
A list of all Central Teaching Spaces, along with information on which rooms have the HOH system, contact details and instructions on how to use the receivers can be found on the Student Education Services website.


Facilities Support Services is committed to sustainable practices set out by the University of Leeds

What you can do to help

  • Lighting. Turn off lights when they are not needed. Can you open blinds or curtains to allow natural daylight sources into the room? In some cases lighting is essential in the teaching room but don’t forget to turn them off as you leave the room
  • Air conditioning. If heating/air conditioning is used, try and keep it at a maximum of 21°C adjusting the temperature uses more energy. When using the air conditioning system make sure that windows and doors are closed, this will help the system to run much more efficiently
  • Recycling. Encourage your audience to take their handouts with them and if they do not require them put them in paper recycling bins located around the building. Encourage the use of can and bottle recycling. This will also help make the rooms more presentable for following classes. If you print handouts for your class and you have some left over – recycle them too
  • Heating. If rooms are too hot – use the radiator controls before opening the windows. Opening the windows and leaving radiators on wastes a lot of energy. If you find rooms or areas that are always too warm please contact the Helpdesk and report the issue

What we are doing

Facilities Support Services is committed to recycling as much waste as possible. We also are committed to helping departments and charities who can benefit from items we can no longer use.

  • Pens – whiteboard markers that are dried up and no longer fit for purpose are sent to a recycling centre called Terra Cycle UK who donate 2p per pen to MacMillan Cancer on our behalf. In the past 12 months we have raised over £70. If you find marker pens that are no longer working, leave them in the room instead of putting them in the bin so we can increase the donations
  • Projector lamps – Projector lamps that have expired are sent back to suppliers for them to reuse. This reduces the amount of dangerous chemicals released into the environment
  • Paper – paper and handouts found in Central Teaching Space that has only been printed on one side are collected and sent to Bright Beginnings ( the University nursery) to use as scrap paper and for art and craft activities
  • Cleaning products – empty product tins and containers are disposed of correctly via a University approved contractor so that dangerous chemical waste is not released into the environment

Battery reduction
We have reduced the amount of batteries that Facilities Support Services purchased over the past year. Rechargeable lapel microphones have been installed in Central Teaching Space as a trial and hopefully more are to follow in the next refurbishment. If you require any training with them or any equipment please contact the Helpdesk.

Environmental and Sustainability Policy

Facilities Support Services is committed to the policies on environmental responsibilities set out by the University of Leeds and the Facilities Directorate. Our main aims are listed below.


  • Projector lamps and cleaning fluids containing harmful chemicals to the environment will always be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way by a University approved contractor
  • Facilities Support Services will investigate effective power management systems for use in Central Teaching Space
  • All toner cartridges used by Facilities Support Services will be recycled by a company who donates money to biodiversity charities
  • Scrap paper and handouts left in Central Teaching Space will be recycled where possible to organisations to use for art and craft activities
  • Staff are trained on sustainable purchasing and related environmental impacts
  • Staff are instructed to turn off lights and PC related equipment when not in use