Lecture Theatre Redesign
- Work began: May 2016
- Work completed: September 2016
- Cost: £2.8m
- Contractors: NRB Construction
Brief: Exciting work took place on our current facilities to offer a mix of collaborative teaching and learning spaces, contributing to the successful delivery of the University’s Digital Strategy for student education. The redesign of the lecture theatres now reflect best practice in furniture, equipment and use of digital technology.
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An innovative, sector leading redesign of our lecture theatre space will be undertaken this year. This work is part of a pilot which will see a redesign of 3 tiered lecture theatres in key locations across the campus, to a new set of standards which seeks to improve collaborative and technologically enabled experiences for staff and students alike.
This exciting transformation will see the physical space redeveloped to allow group discussion alongside the use of installed technology to allow group work, interaction, communication and recording.
This combination of physical space changes and innovative use of digital technology is sector leading and gives the University of Leeds a distinctive edge to support recruitment and student experience.
This pilot will be thoroughly evaluated over a teaching session, to gather feedback from teaching staff and students, and usage statistics, to form a view about the value of these rooms for teaching and learning. The results of this evaluation will help inform the strategic direction for teaching facilities at Leeds.
Our consultation phase has now concluded and we have received positive feedback from both staff and students with regards to the project. A number of briefing sessions were held from February to April 2016 including a briefing to the LUU Education Committee, the Dentistry Student Education Committee and a briefing held for Engineering teaching staff.
If you have any questions about the project, would like further information or have feedback on the proposed ideas please contact Liz Brittain at e.m.brittain@leeds.ac.uk
To view a recording of the briefing session and the project briefing notes click here: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/estate_services/fss/lecturetheatreredesign.htm