Disposal of clinical waste
Departments that generate clinical waste are responsible for ensuring that the waste produced is handled and disposed of in a secure and correct manner. In order to be able to identify the origin of a bag of clinical waste from its generation to final disposal, all bags must be sealed with a numbered tag, which can be obtained from Cleaning Services. The bags should be taken to one of the Clinical Waste Stores, contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk orext. 35555 if you need information on where these are located. Departments will be charged for this service.
If you have any queries relating to the disposal of clinical waste, please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555.
Office recycling scheme
An office recycling scheme is in operation across campus for the disposal of plastics, cans, glass and paper. Recycling bins for these products along with one for general waste are sited at recycling points. These bins are then emptied by Cleaning Services.
Please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555 if you require any further information.
Recycling of office paper
The University operates a recycling scheme for office waste paper. Cardboard boxes and green plastic bags are provided to departments by Cleaning Services.
The boxes will be emptied by the cleaning staff as necessary. If you require any additional drums or for further information on the scheme please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555.
Confidential waste paper & cardboard collection
Confidential waste papers must be put into white paper sacks and these can be obtained from Cleaning Services via the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555.
Please do not overfill the bags.
A disposal procedure for confidential waste paper can be found on our Cleaning Services page
Disposal of redundant computers & WEEE
All old and redundant electrical equipment should be recycled by contacting Cleaning Services who will arrange for collection. They should not be placed in the general refuse bins as they are classed as hazardous waste under the WEEE regulations.
Please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555 for collection. There is no charge for this service.
Disposal of printer toners & cartridges
All used printer toners and cartridges should be placed in one of several recycling boxes located around campus. For nearest location please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555.
Disposal of mobile phones
Old mobile phones can be recycled, please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555 for further information.
Disposal of batteries
Domestic type batteries can be disposed of in designated containers that can be found across campus. They must not be put in with the general refuse. Please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555 when these require emptying.
Depleted Lithium or Cadmium rechargeable batteries or Mercury containing batteries are “special wastes” and should therefore not go in the general waste skips. Since they have to be treated as chemical waste they can be forwarded to Safety Advisory Services by internal mail, provided that they are in sound condition and not leaking.
Lead Acid Batteries also constitute “special wastes” and for the purposes of disposal are treated as per Waste Chemicals.
Disposal of Glass from Laboratories
There are a number of potential ways to recycle uncontaminated glass from laboratories. In all cases the glass must be clean and free from residue of hazardous chemicals. For more information on acceptable ways to clean the glass contact your local Health and Safety team or eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 3555.
Some suppliers operate free of charge reuse schemes for used chemical bottles:
Thermo Fisher Scientific will collect 1 litre and 2.5 litre glass Winchester bottles from the following brands: Fisher Chemical, Fisher BioReagents, Acros Organics, Maybridge.
VWR will collect empty glass bottles, plastic bottles, drums, and tip boxes that were originally sourced from them.
Sigma/Merck will collect 1 litre and 2.5 litre glass Winchester bottles that they have supplied.
Each scheme has specific requirements which must be followed. If you would like to start using one of these schemes contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555 and more information on the requirements will be provided.
There are also some laboratory glass recycling bins around campus, located in the same compound as Healthcare Waste bins. This service may be chargeable. These are located close to:
- Faculty of Biological Sciences
- Faculty of Environment
- Engineering
- School of Chemistry
For exact locations please contact the Helpdesk eshelp@leeds.ac.uk or ext. 35555. Glass in the lab glass recycling bins must be cleaned, with lids removed and labels either removed or obscured.