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Energy Management

  • Our own Generating Station Complex provides energy on campus
    Men talking in high visibility jackets
  • Managing energy saving projects at the University
    Three people looking at graph on screen

Energy Management

Waste Less. Pay Less. Be Compliant

The Energy Team deliver energy saving projects across campus. Energy reduction isn’t just something our team is passionate about, it’s also part of a wider University of Leeds sustainability strategy that has committed to reducing the University’s carbon footprint. That’s why we work closely with the Sustainability team to ensure our focus supports the wider social and environmental responsibilities of the University, investing in measures that will reduce energy consumption campus wide.

Energy Manager Luke Gallagher (He/Him) 343 1510
Energy Data Systems ManagerJason Jutha 343 7070
Net Zero AnalystSarah Bilton (She/Her) 343 4282
Net Zero AnalystYash Shrivastava (He/Him) 343 4563
Energy Accounts AnalystRyan Ball (He/Him) 343 8994
Energy Accounts OfficerJay Porter (They/Them) 343 1225
Technical Officer EnergyRobert Bradley (He/Him) 343 7162
Energy Officer Dmitrijs Voloscuks (He/Him) 343 1684
Energy OfficerOlivia Ryan (She/They) 343 0658

Bill Validation

The University of Leeds campus comprises of more than 300 residential and academic buildings with a gross internal area of 555,111m2 and has approximately 800 meters that are used for energy billing purposes.

There are a variety of different utilities required to keep the campus running: Grid electricity, natural gas, water, heat and electricity generated from onsite CHP and onsite renewables. The combined annual consumption in 2018 was 160,097,366 kWh of energy and 702,016 m3 of water.

Some of this energy is provided by our own Generating Station Complex (GSC) and the remainder procured from energy providers. We have an annual utilities expenditure of over £12 million and on a monthly basis we can receive approximately 700 energy bills to process for payment.

We use esight, a web based energy management platform which collects and monitors data from our network of meters in all of our buildings which also feeds into our Dashboard so people can monitor their own energy usage in their buildings.

Energy Saving Projects

As part of the Carbon Management Plan (CMP), the energy team conduct regular energy reviews to identify potential carbon reduction projects. The team then manage and deliver projects within the annual budget that is ring-fenced specifically for energy saving measures.

The projects create:

  • Energy savings
  • Lower carbon emissions
  • Utility cost savings
  • Enhanced student experiences (e,g through better-quality lighting, improved heating control etc)
  • Tangible evidence of the University’s commitment to its environmental impact