Chemical and Process Engineering (public highway closures)

Last updated on 20 April 2023

On 19 March, footpath and lane closures on the public highway, near the Chemical and Process Engineering building, will be closed all day. This will facilitate high level access to an externally mounted sign.

Works planned in agreement with LCC Highways and a full traffic management plan has been approved by LCC with the date / time proposed by LCC.

Services to be interrupted

Footpaths, roads and traffic control within the vicinity of the Woodhouse Lane. 

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

External footpath closures.


Alternative access routes are highlighted on the map below.

Map of public highway closure near Chemical and Process Engineering building

For enquiries please contact: James Wright

Contact telephone no: 07534 982249


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Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.