Cleaning Services Standard
The overall aim of the service is to provide a highly proficient, motivated and effective workforce, which is committed to providing a high standard of cleaning services in University buildings, thereby assisting the core business of the University and to create an environment which is conducive to work and aesthetically pleasing for University students, employees, and visitors.
Cleaning Services is part of the Facilities Directorate and services all buildings on the main University campus with the exception of the Refectory, Students Union and Halls of Residence. The offices are located at 28 University Road.
The service will provide and seek value for money in all its activity, and provide efficient and effective systems and processes. The service will work with colleagues to ensure compliance with appropriate rules and regulations and will provide robust but constructive challenge, with the aim of delivering the best benefits for the University. Throughout all this the service will act as a business partner and help facilitate progress.
Our vision
Our vision is to provide a quality service to the University, by continuously exceeding customer expectations, enhancing the student experience and valuing the skills, experience and diversity of our staff.
Our Service Level Standard
Objective of the standard
The purpose of this Service Level Standard is to describe the key services we provide and the quality standards we aim for in terms of service delivery.
This Standard sets out:
- The services we provide to the majority of the University of Leeds.
- The overall standard which we aim to achieve in the provision of our services.
- A mechanism for resolving any problems relating to the delivery of the service.
Due to the continued uncertainty surrounding transitional ways of working and future ways of working in the University a transitional Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Cleaning Services based on the changing needs of the University to ensure a safe and clean environment conducive to learning and working will be in place from September 2021, this will be reviewed and monitored as circumstances change.
Cleaning industry standards and best practice guides, such as recommendations being set out by the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), as well as addressing government recommendations for enhanced cleaning have been taken into consideration.
Transitional Service Level Agreement
This SLA illustrates how the standard of cleaning can be achieved to an acceptable level of quality, this is an output-based specification based on BICSc outcome criteria, which means that detailed frequencies and times are not included however the outcomes will meet this criteria. The objectives set are for fully occupied areas, frequency of cleans will be adjusted dependent on use of areas.
The objectives of the output specification are:
- More frequent cleaning and sanitising in high footfall areas, sanitising of obvious touch points areas e.g. door handles and plates, handrails, intercoms, reception area fixtures and fittings, to assist in reducing the risk of transmission by daytime housekeeping team
- The visibility of Cleaning Services and our associated activities, to instil confidence that the University is providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and hygienic campus
- Main entrances, internal access routes, large circulation spaces, lift cars and lobbies will be cleaned daily
- WC/washroom facilities, will have a full daily clean and additional cleans and checks during the day dependent on footfall – some may have one check, some areas more frequent checks
- Welfare and rest areas such as shared kitchens will be cleaned daily, however crockery, cutlery etc. will not be cleaned. Internal of fridges will also not be cleaned
- Floors and accessible surfaces in offices, meeting rooms, teaching spaces will be checked and cleaned daily and receive a full clean weekly, with a continued supply of cleaning and sanitising materials for local use by staff and students
- Refuse and recycling will be removed daily
As a guide cleaning schedules are provided for the cleaning team which detail what tasks need to be undertaken to meet the standard. The cleaning schedule frequency of tasks and designated areas is designed to guide and assist cleaning operatives by clearly defining areas of responsibility, giving accountability and support, however as building occupancy is not fully known this remains flexible dependent on area use, if areas are not used the frequency will be adapted accordingly.
The cleaning standards will be measured using the BICSc outcome criteria for defining ‘what is clean’ the quality of cleaning will be measured, recorded and corrective actions taken where required on the electronic EQMS inspection module.
All cleaning products and equipment are chosen to ensure they are suitable, safe and easy to use and comply with infection control measures for a safe work environment such as colour coding equipment, battery sprayers to use in large areas for sanitising and viricidal sanitising products, Safe Operating Procedures, training of all practices are carried out with the cleaning team.
The use of the sanitising products will continue in washroom areas, cleaning stations and where general cleaning duties require sanitising. These products meet with the EN 14476 viricidal product standard for anti-viral sanitiser as recommended by BICSc and continues to meet with our sustainability objectives. We have also updated our staff handbooks and training manuals and will carry out training with all staff before commencing the work
In the event of a ‘virus’ pandemic, this will be assessed by Health & Safety and Cleaning Services will respond accordingly.
The Cleaning Services team will deliver the cleaning specification and cleaning schedules to ensure quality enhanced cleaning and sanitising standards can be achieved and maintained, leading to an improved and sustained cleaning service delivery.
The Cleaning Services team supports the University in providing a welcoming, clean and safe environment conducive to learning for students, staff and visitors. Whilst every effort to achieve these standards are made, it also remains the responsibility of everyone to take care of their own safety and welfare.
Increasing frequencies and level of cleaning standards is one of many measures in ensuring a safe and clean environment, it should be remembered that to maintain good hygiene individuals should take personal responsibility and follow any control measures the University has in place. Personal responsibility is a key point of infection control and cleaning as you go in areas such as kitchens will be vital to reduce viral spread. This would be supported by the implementation of clear desk policy and “decluttering” of spaces, especially shared kitchens, where colleagues should be asked to refrain from sharing cups, crockery, water jugs, cutlery etc. this will ensure that more effective cleaning can take place.
Whilst hand washing remains one of the most effective action an individual can take, the provision of anti-viral gels and provision of cleaning materials to meet expectations are made available to staff by the University. It is recommended that to help reduce the spread of many infectious pathogens in workplaces, a firm focus should be placed on hygiene behaviour of individuals rather than a reliance on routine ‘deep cleaning’ and sanitising.
To ensure individuals can take personal responsibility for working safely, cleaning services will provide:
- Anti-viral gel dispensers at appropriate entrances, access and egress points
- Anti-viral gel dispensers in the multi storey car park
- Anti-viral gel dispensers inside/outside lifts
- Hand washing facilities and the supply of anti-viral gel in all mail and goods in areas of the campus
- Provision of hand sanitiser and sanitising products inside vehicles or by supplying the staff who operate in them
- Sanitiser and blue roll in all kitchens or at cleaning stations in larger / busier offices or place of work
- Hand soap and washing up detergent in shared kitchens
- Provision of sanitiser and blue roll in meeting rooms open for use, for use on surfaces or shared AV/IT equipment
- Sanitiser and blue roll in teaching, study space, IT clusters, social space, libraries
Please note, empty sanitiser bottles need to be returned to cleanings services for refilling to maintain our sustainability of pledge of not using single use plastic. Contact your local Operations Team Leader for collection and refilling.
Additional cleaning services provided:
- Provide a waste management service for the removal of all types of waste from campus.
- Provide collection and recycling facilities for cardboard, paper, confidential papers, glass, plastics, aluminium cans, IT and other electrical equipment, fluorescent light tubes, and batteries.
- Provide and manage a facility for the disposal of healthcare waste.
- Provide and monitor the annual window cleaning contract.
- Provide a pest control service.
- Provide a facility for dealing with emergencies, e.g. floods. Contact the Helpdesk if required / ext. 35555
- Provide a feminine hygiene service.
- Additional services are available for an additional charge. Contact Helpdesk to arrange / ext. 35555
Cleaning Services will endeavour to be flexible and agile in responding to the University changing needs to work towards a more sustainable and settled future way of working.
Customer service
We welcome constructive feedback on the services provided by Cleaning Services. Comments on our work should be sent to
Any requests for cleaning or sanitising services or advice should be made via the Helpdesk ext. 35555.
Any requests for sanitising products should be made via the online ordering service.
Any assistance required with emergency situations should be requested through the Helpdesk ext. 35555.
We will carry out an annual survey, in the form of a user questionnaire, of the effectiveness and satisfaction with our services. The results of this survey are used to develop an annual actual plan which outlines our continuous improvement projects.
Our main duties include:
- Interior cleaning services
- Window cleaning
- Pest control
- Waste management including recycling
Our Services
Key Contacts:
Jill Roberts | Head of Cleaning Services | |
Jacquie Beaumont | Deputy Head of Cleaning Services | |
Peter Bolger | Operations Manager | |
Mason Lawrence | Operations Manager | |
Courtney (Taff) McAuley | Waste & Environment Coordinator | |
Appendix 1: Further Information
Window cleaning
Windows are cleaned annually by specialist contractors, who tender for the work every three years. The contract includes the cleaning of all glass on both sides in all types of window frames, fanlights, doors and internal partitions. The contract is monitored by Cleaning Services management team.
If you require any additional window cleaning to be carried out, this can be arranged through Cleaning Services upon production of an Internal Work Order.
Pest control
All infestations of pests should be reported to the Helpdesk and Cleaning Services will then ensure that the problem is resolved efficiently and effectively.
Waste management
The University of Leeds collects and disposes of approximately 1600 tonnes of waste per year from its main campus. The following waste streams are segregated, diverted from landfill and recycled – paper, cardboard, plastics, cans, glass, batteries, electrical and electronic waste, toner cartridges, fluorescent light tubes, wood and mobile phones.
If you have any queries relating to the disposal of chemical or radioactive waste please refer to the University’s Waste Policy Document for further information or contact the Health and Safety
Disposal of clinical waste
Those departments that generate clinical waste are responsible for ensuring that the waste produced is handled and disposed of in a secure and correct manner. In order to be able to identify the origin of a bag of clinical waste from its generation to final disposal, all bags must be sealed with a numbered tag, which can be obtained from Cleaning Services. The bags should be taken to one of the Clinical Waste Stores, contact the Helpdesk ext. 35555 if you need information on where these are located. Departments will be charged for this service.
If you have any queries relating to the disposal of clinical waste, please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555.
Office recycling scheme
An office recycling scheme is in operation across campus for the disposal of plastics, cans, glass and paper. Recycling bins for these products along with one for general waste are sited at recycling points. These bins are then emptied by Cleaning Services.
Please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555 if you require any further information.
Recycling of office paper
The University operates a recycling scheme for office waste paper. Cardboard boxes and green plastic bags are provided to departments by Cleaning Services.
The boxes will be emptied by the cleaning staff as necessary. If you require any additional drums or for further information on the scheme please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555.
Confidential waste paper & cardboard collection
Confidential waste papers must be put into white paper sacks and these can be obtained from Cleaning Services via the Helpdesk or ext. 35555.
Please do not overfill the bags.
A disposal procedure for confidential waste paper can be found on our Cleaning Services page
Disposal of redundant computers & WEEE
All old and redundant electrical equipment should be recycled by contacting Cleaning Services who will arrange for collection. They should not be placed in the general refuse bins as they are classed as hazardous waste under the WEEE regulations.
Please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555 for collection. There is no charge for this service.
Disposal of printer toners & cartridges
All used printer toners and cartridges should be placed in one of several recycling boxes located around campus. For nearest location please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555.
Disposal of mobile phones
Old mobile phones can be recycled, please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555 for further information.
Disposal of batteries
Domestic type batteries can be disposed of in designated containers that can be found across campus. They must not be put in with the general refuse. Please contact the Helpdesk or ext. 35555 when these require emptying.
Depleted Lithium or Cadmium rechargeable batteries or Mercury containing batteries are “special wastes” and should therefore not go in the general waste skips. Since they have to be treated as chemical waste they can be forwarded to Safety Advisory Services by internal mail, provided that they are in sound condition and not leaking.
Lead Acid Batteries also constitute “special wastes” and for the purposes of disposal are treated as per Waste Chemicals. For more information please contact Health & Safety
Disposal of glass Winchester bottles
Reuse schemes for used chemical glass bottles including Winchesters is in operation whereby the bottles can be returned to the suppliers for reuse.
Fisher Chemicals have supplied a collection & return service for the Schools of Chemistry and Biology and BDH a similar services for chemical bottles for Worsley.
The bottles must be washed out and stored in containers for collection. Contact Health & Safety for further information or the stores in the Schools.
Appendix 2: Cleaning Services Members of Staff
Name | Job Title | Area of Responsibility | Phone Number | Mobile Number | |
Jill Roberts | Head of Cleaning Services | | All University buildings with the exception of Residential, University Union and Catering buildings at the main site | 0113 34 36219 | 07879 116 691 |
Jacquie Beaumont | Deputy Head of Cleaning Services | | All buildings, with exceptions noted under the Head, focusing on cleanliness & management of staff in certain buildings | 0113 34 36350 | 07852 868 854 |
Peter Bolger | Operations Manager | | All buildings, with exceptions noted under the Head, focusing on cleanliness & management of staff in certain buildings | 0113 34 36532 | 07961 926 000 |
Mason Lawrence | Operations Manager | | All buildings, with exceptions noted under the Head, focusing on cleanliness & management of staff in certain buildings | 0113 34 36330 | 07766 461 592 |
Courtney (Taff) McAuley | Waste & Environment Coordinator | | Campus wide focusing on environmental waste, sanitising/cleaning requisitions and clinical waste | 0113 34 36728 | 07939 533 673 |
Carol Haynes | Operations Team Leader | | 07784 358 450 | ||
Dawn Abel | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 952 474 | ||
Diana Fitzgerald | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 952 628 | ||
Jackie Blakeborough | Operations Team Leader | | 07754 395 348 | ||
Jacqui Smith | Operations Team Leader | | 07958 100 187 | ||
Mark Pantling | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 952 636 | ||
Michaela Pye | Operations Team Leader | | 07776 633 163 | ||
Neil McPhail | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 953 218 | ||
Sandra Tosney | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 953 307 | ||
Sue Taylor | Operations Team Leader | | 07776 227 753 | ||
Sylwia Cieslak | Operations Team Leader | | 07427 133 338 | ||
Theresa Fahy | Operations Team Leader | | 07834 174 046 | ||
Valerie Apontua | Operations Team Leader | | 07961 953 016 |