roger stevens building from a panoramic view with the sun setting in the background

Maintaining and preserving the Roger Stevens Building

Last updated on 4 December 2024

Essential maintenance is underway to repair, maintain and preserve the exterior of the Roger Stevens Building.

The work, which will continue into the start of 2025, is focused around conserving the architecture of the Grade II* listed building.

The building remains open and is safe to be used while work is ongoing.

Necessary repairs

Estates are working alongside engineering and construction firm Mountain Earth to conduct hammer testing and repairs to areas of concrete on the building’s exterior.

Hammer testing, which is used to identify areas of concrete in need of repair, is noisy by nature; however, steps are being taken to minimise disruption.

Estates has worked with the timetabling team to move classes most likely to be impacted by the work out of the building, reducing the impact on staff and students.

Where possible, Mountain Earth is using elevating work platforms rather than erecting scaffolding when carrying out repairs to keep noise levels to a minimum.

Preserving an iconic building

Estates has worked closely with Leeds City Council’s Conservation Officer to make sure the building is properly preserved.

The building will be coated in a colour closer to what was originally used when it first opened – a process that will be repeated for other listed concrete buildings on campus.

We apologise for any disruption caused.