University of Leeds car parking terms and conditions

Last updated 8 October 2019

  1. Definitions

    In these Terms & Conditions (“Conditions”) the following words shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:

    1. “Campus” means the University campus and other designated areas where users may park their vehicles as described below under University Car Parks.
    2. “Campus Car Parks” means those areas on and off the University main campus formally designated by the University from time to time as the area where Users may park their Vehicles (see for current designated areas).
    3. “Car Parking Policy” means the University’s Car Parking Policy as amended from time to time see attached and also available at
    4. “Core Hours” means 7am to 5pm between Monday to Friday (or such other day as the University is not deemed closed in accordance with the University Year Planner).
    5. “Facilities Directorate” means the University’s facilities service that covers car parking services (email, telephone number 0113 343 5491).
    6. “PCC” means a Parking Contravention Charge of £80 that may be imposed upon a User for breach of certain parking rules set out under clause 9.
    7. “Parking Charge Notice/PCN” means a parking charge notice issued by the University which shall, in particular, require the payment of a PCC.
    8. “Permit” means a University permit, pass or ticket (save in relation to clauses (i) 2 c., 8 c. and 9. or (ii) where the reference is to a particular kind of permit, here permit means just a University permit, not including pass or ticket).
    9. “University” means The University of Leeds and its authorised representatives.
    10. “User/Driver” means any person coming on to University premises with a Vehicle.
    11. “Vehicle” means a car, van, lorry, motorcycle, scooter or any other mechanised device propelled by wheels or tracks (including all contents and accessories).
  2. Incorporation

    1. All Users remain subject to these Conditions.
    2. If a User is reading these Conditions for the first time when their Vehicle is on Campus and does not agree to them then they must remove their Vehicle as quickly as reasonably possible and their Vehicle will not be permitted to enter Campus again.
    3. The University reserves the right from time to time to vary these Conditions. The University will publish any variation to these Conditions on The University will also notify Permit Holders by email or other known contact addresses where there is to be a variation. If a Permit Holder does not accept any variations they may return their permit to the University and a pro-rata refund will be given.
    4. The Car Parking Policy is also incorporated as part of these Conditions. If there is any inconsistency these Conditions 1 to 11 shall apply.
  3. Exclusions

    1. Whilst the University endeavours to protect Vehicles from theft the University does not accept any liability for theft of or damage to a Vehicle. In addition, unless caused by the negligence of the University, the University shall not be responsible for any injury caused to individuals.
    2. Use of the University’s car parking facilities is entirely discretionary. Users may be denied use of some or all of the facilities at any time. Facilities may change or be suspended without notice.
    3. The University reserves the right to move users to alternative car parking zones, without notice, in the event of disruption to parking facilities.
    4. The capacity for parking of Vehicles on Campus is limited. The University cannot offer a guarantee of a parking space. The University will provide no refund of any fees paid if spaces are not available.
    5. The University has the right to withdraw Permits where campus developments results in further losses of car parking spaces.
  4. Permitted Users

    1. Unless agreed to the contrary by the Facilities Directorate, during Peak Hours Vehicles may only be present on Campus if the User has a Permit. Permits are issued by the Facilities Directorate. Certain parts of Campus are areas enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (“ANPR Areas”). Presently this is all of Orange Zone, see Your Permit only allows you to park in designated areas indicated on the Permit.
    2. Users without a Permit wishing to bring Vehicles on Campus during Core Hours must be members of staff and must have authorisation from the Facilities Directorate
    3. Permits are granted to contractors, staff and visitors. Permits are conditional upon payment being received and further limitations apply.
    4. In particular, the following should be noted as present conditions:
      1. staff with Staff Parking Permits are only permitted to park in General Parking Bays in the allocated Parking Zone, or in the case of a Blue Badge Permit holder in Disability Bays.
      2. without authorisation from the Facilities Directorate students are not allowed to have Vehicles on Campus unless they have a valid Temporary Parking Permit or Blue Badge Permit.
      3. visitors are only permitted to park in General Parking Bays in the Orange Parking Zone or if a Blue Badge holder in disability bays.
      4. contractors must also comply with Contractors Rules and Regulations at and limit their parking time in loading bays to the very minimum required to offload (taken to be less than 20 minutes).
      5. Users with Temporary Parking Permits are only permitted to park in General Parking Bays in the allocated Parking Zone.
      6. Users with a valid local authority Blue Badge also require a separate Permit and may park in disability bays on Campus or if those bays are full General Parking Bays anywhere on Campus.
    5. Official University liveried vehicles on University business require a Permit and may park anywhere within a parking bay on Campus.
    6. External organisations who occupy University premises and have authority for use of limited car parking spaces as part of their lease must display a valid Permit and must park in their designated zone on Campus.
    7. Emergency services vehicles responding to an emergency do not require a Permit and may park anywhere within a parking bay on Campus.
  5. Use of Permits

    1. All Permits for all Vehicles that are not motorcycles or scooters must be fully and clearly displayed on the front windscreen of the relevant Vehicle at all times. If not properly displayed the University will assume that no Permit has been granted.
    2. Where the Vehicle is a motorcycle or scooter then the User must have their Permit about them at all times, making the Permit available to immediate inspection upon request by a University representative. Where a User fails to provide a Permit upon request it will be assumed that no Permit has been granted.
    3. All Permits remain the property of the University and shall be immediately returned upon request by the University.
    4. Permits will only be issued to and may only be used by drivers of the vehicle listed on an approved application. Permits may only be used for authorised Vehicles.
    5. Where a Permit holder’s employment at the University comes to an end, the permit must be handed back to Car Parking Services.
    6. Only one vehicle per Permit is allowed to park at any one time.
    7. Permits may only be shared as part of a University car sharing arrangement.
    8. Electric Permit holders may only register fully electric vehicles on their Permit.
    9. If a car share arrangement comes to an end, the car share Permit will become invalid unless the remaining party finds another car share partner and updates Car Parking Services.
    10. If a Permit is lost or stolen then the User must immediately report the matter to the Facilities Directorate and then apply and pay for a replacement in accordance with the Car Parking Policy.
    11. Authorised visitors who are booked through the University’s online parking registration system will not be required to display a Permit.
  6. Parking of Vehicles

    1. All Vehicles may only be parked in Campus Car Parks and within dedicated, marked Parking Bays (where appropriate). See Car Parking Policy for further information.
    2. Vehicles must not be parked to encroach upon others’ space or obstruct other’s use.
    3. The University does not guarantee that an electric charging point will be available for Drivers with electric vehicle permits.
    4. General Behaviour
    5. All Users are to be courteous towards others and shall not cause damage or harm to others. For examples of unacceptable conduct please see the Car Parking Policy.
    6. If there is concern about someone’s behaviour or a collision or accident User’s should report this to University Security.
    7. Users must have:
      1. a full UK driver’s licence
      2. valid insurance to operate their vehicle
      3. an up to date MOT for their vehicle
      4. properly taxed their vehicle.
  7. Termination, Suspension and Cooling Off

    1. If payment for a Permit is required and not received the User may without notice have their Permit terminated or suspended.
    2. The University reserves the right to immediately without notice terminate or suspend User’s rights (deny access to parking facilities and revoke/suspend Permits) if a User fails to comply with these Conditions.
    3. In accordance with statutory rights Permit holders may cancel their Permits without cost if they cancel within 14 days of agreeing to take up their Permit. Notices of cancellation should be in writing. Please send cancelling emails to
  8. Enforcement

    1. Users must not contravene the rules below. Contravention of rules contained within (b) below may lead to a PCN requiring payment of the £80.
    2. Any infringement listed below will constitute a breach of these Conditions and the User may be issued with a PCN (requiring payment of the £80 PCC) on the first and every time they commit an infringement. Infringements:
      1. Permit holders must prominently display a valid permit or daily ticket in the front of the vehicle
      2. Non-permit holders are forbidden to park in a University car parking zone during Core Hours unless prior arrangements have been made with the Facilities Directorate or have been booked through the University’s online parking registration system.
      3. It is the responsibility of all permit holders to ensure that accurate and up-to-date details of their Vehicles are registered on the University’s online Parking registration system.
      4. Permits and barrier cards must be returned to the Facilities Directorate if you dispose of your vehicle, cease working for the University or no longer require your permit.
      5. Vehicles must be parked in their designated parking zone as indicated on their permit. Visitors and staff purchasing daily tickets may only park in Orange Zone unless authorised to do otherwise by the Support Services Manager or his nominee(s).
      6. Parking anywhere other than a clearly marked parking space (where appropriate) for which the driver has a valid permit.
      7. Parking on yellow lines, hatched areas, grass verges, loading bays, pavements, and areas marked for emergency services.
      8. Parking in such a way as to block fire escape routes or cause obstruction or inconvenience to other users.
      9. Parking which blocks the entry or exit of other vehicles.
      10. Parking in disabled bays without a valid Blue Badge.
      11. Parked causing obstruction to University property or other Vehicles.
      12. Parking within a time-restricted area for greater than the advertised time limit (e.g. for more than 20 minutes in a Nursery drop off and collection bays).
      13. Parking in any area that at the absolute discretion of the University is considered to be causing risk, nuisance, damage or danger to other users, the University or its property.
      14. Parking in a designated bay unless authorised to do so (eg. parking in an electric bay with a non-electric vehicle).
      15. Remaining on University land in excess of the grace period will be deemed as parking on University land.
    3. Enforcement is undertaken in accordance with the International Parking Community (IPC) Code of Practice.
    4. The PCN will be issued by nominated University Staff. All follow-up action, including payment collection and appeal management, will be undertaken by the University and the University’s nominated debt recovery contractor, details of which can be found on the PCN. Please note if a PCC is not paid on time the User may incur further fees relating to collection of that debt.
    5. The University reserves the right to contact the DVLA (Driver Vehicle Licencing Authority) to obtain the registered keeper’s details of any vehicles parked on University property. Should the driver of a car issued with a PCN not be identifiable, then the PCN will be issued to the Vehicle owner.
    6. It is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to ensure their details are up-to-date with the DVLA.
    7. Altering, tampering, duplication or forging of Permits by University staff is deemed to be unacceptable behaviour and may result in disciplinary action and the withdrawal of parking rights.
    8. Where a member of staff has in the opinion of the University significantly breached these Conditions then the University reserves the right, in addition to termination or suspension of parking rights, to take disciplinary action against that member of staff.
    9. The University reserves the right to take whatever lawful steps it sees fit to address any Vehicle that is parked in contravention of these Conditions. Vehicles believed to be abandoned and/or dangerously parked may be reported to the local authority or Police requesting removal.
  9. Appeals and Complaints

    1. In the event of a dispute over the issue of a PCN, the User has a right of appeal; full details can be found on the PCN or on the Car Parking website at
    2. Any complaints relating to car parking issues should be sent to Facilities Directorate at
  10. General

    1. These Conditions may only be varied with the written consent of the Support Services Manager.
    2. Members of staff have no rights to require a parking facility from the University. Staff do not have any rights to Permits or parking as part of their contracts of employment.
    3. These Conditions constitute the entire terms and conditions relating to parking at the University.