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Developing campus

Developing Campus

Managing major strategic initiatives that support the University strategy

We have an experienced team of colleagues with expertise in building project management, maintenance and refurbishment right through to CAD design. This strong portfolio of expertise enables us to provide the in-house services required to deliver a multitude of projects which comprise our portfolio of projects to develop the campus.


Managing major strategic initiatives within Estates and Facilities via procurement, project and programme management


Delivering spaces across campus that promote wellbeing, creativity and inspiration for staff, students and visitors


Managing planned maintenance and refurbishment projects from £5,000 to £400,000 across the Estate


Ensuring that repairs, maintenance, and refurbishment works are carried out safely, without disturbing asbestos materials

Large-scale projects

Managing major strategic initiatives within Estates and Facilities that support the overall University strategy.

The team has significant experience in procurement, project and programme management. The team takes the lead in the management of large and more complex projects, usually over £2m in value.

A large proportion of this activity focuses on supplier management to ensure that Estates and Facilities continue to deliver the best value service to the University in conjunction with its external consultants and contractors. The work is supported by a significant library of core systems and procedures.

The team is comprised of Senior Project Managers, who each manage a portfolio of new build and refurbishment projects, supported by experienced Cost Consultancy and Engineering and Building Clerks of Works.

Some of the services provided are;

  • Programme Management for capital works

  • Executive Project Management for strategic projects

  • Develop key procurement strategies in conjunction with suppliers

  • Ensure buildings are delivered in compliance with University standards

  • Delivery of the Net Zero Retrofit and Infrastructure Programmes’

  • Working within University sustainability policies

  • Monitoring contract costs against agreed budgets

  • Manage the co-ordination and migration of occupants

  • Ensure projects are fully considered and risk managed

Head of Capital DevelopmentBrian 37855

Mid-scale projects

Delivering refurbishment and redesign projects across campus which promote wellbeing, creativity and inspiration for staff, students and visitors.

Responsible for the delivery of mid-scale projects from inception to completion is the Design Office team. A multi-talented, multidisciplinary team of highly qualified designers and project managers, comprising of architectural, interior, mechanical and electrical disciplines, successfully delivering numerous projects of varying types, sizes and complexities at any one time.

The team have facilitated specialist equipment; refurbished and remodelled teaching spaces, office spaces, foyers, reception areas, clinical skills facilities, circulation spaces, outdoor spaces, laboratories and residential properties; improved accessibility across the campus and provided state of the art lecture theatres to promote collaborative teaching.

  • Development of Brief

  • Concept Designs (including 3D visuals)

  • Feasibility Studies & Options Appraisals

  • Technical Survey & Reporting

  • Delivery of the Net Zero Retrofit and Infrastructure Programmes’

  • Full Interior Design Service

  • Specifications for Tender

  • Project Management & Quality Control

  • Statutory Applications – Planning Permission etc.

Architectural Technical OfficerStuart 07884 756 915

Commercial and Contracts

Providing an in-depth service advising on building procurement strategies, contractual law, cost advise and cost analysis.

The Commercial and Contract team also provide comprehensive professional strategic, commercial direction on projects ranging from £10,000 to £100M.

For each project, the team provide advice, estimates and commercial in support of the preparation of client strategies & business cases, outline briefs and feasibility studies. This includes option appraisals for significant refurbishment and new build projects. Throughout the project delivery, the team ensure effective cost control & change control, cash flow forecasting, accurate financial reporting procedures, final accounts, life cycle costing and monitor implementation. The team also monitors external cost consultants to ensure value for money on projects.

The team lead the development, maintenance & review of the Estates Project Professional Standards, sharing best practice and implementing exemplary professional project delivery standards & controls from inception to completion, for internal and external use.

Some of the services provided are;

  • Quantity surveying and commercial services

  • Procurement strategy

  • Commercial programme reporting

  • Managing projects & professional frameworks

  • Risk Management

  • Benchmarking & knowledge sharing

Quantity SurveyorGlenn Irvine 35967

Planned projects

Managing planned maintenance and refurbishment projects from as little as £5,000 to as high as £400,000 across the estate.

The Planned Projects team is a multi-disciplinary team of highly experienced building surveyors and mechanical & electrical engineers, that undertake planned maintenance and refurbishment projects from as little as £5,000 to as high as £400,000 across the estate.

The team fulfils a vital role in undertaking projects that require more planning and coordination than everyday maintenance activities but do not require the levels of design input associated with significantly large and mid-scale projects.

Their portfolio of experience includes office and laboratory refurbishments, the refurbishment of residential property, sympathetic repair of historic buildings, the renewal of heating, ventilation, electrical, fire alarm systems and planned maintenance projects such as external redecoration works and the renewal of roof coverings.

Additionally, the team has a proven track record of planning and delivering a high turnover of maintenance and refurbishment projects across the estate; within limited timeframes and within occupied and heavily trafficked areas.

Some of the services provided are;

  • Office and laboratory refurbishments

  • Refurbishment of residential property

  • Sympathetic repair of historic buildings

  • External redecoration works

  • Renewal of roof coverings

  • Renewal of systems including heating, electrical and fire alarms

Team LeaderEd 36820

Computer Aided Design (CAD) team

Some of the services provided are;

  • Building/Campus Master CAD/BIM Records

  • Hardcopy and Digital Archive Records

  • Point Cloud/Survey Information

  • CAD/BIM Guidance & Support

  • Building/Project Handover Information

  • Large Format Printing

Estates Digital Information Team LeaderLouis 37256
CAD/BIM TechnicianDanai 35923

Managing asbestos

The University has a wide variety of buildings across campus, many of which were built when asbestos was a widely used material.

Works to our buildings must be done without disturbing asbestos and must also maintain the fire protection within the building.

Before any work is undertaken that breaches the fabric of the building or its services, the asbestos register must be consulted. Consideration must also be given to whether the works will affect the fire integrity of the building.

Asbestos awareness training

Personnel whose work involves breaching the fabric of the building or its services must have received formal asbestos awareness training.

Training should be given by a recognised trainer/training provider covering the topics as laid out in the Control of Asbestos Regulations at intervals not exceeding 3 years. This should be supported by refresher training provided on an annual basis, although this may be included as part of other health and safety updates and undertaken by in-house competent persons.

This should be supported by refresher training provided on an annual basis, although this may be included as part of other health and safety updates and undertaken by in-house competent persons.

The Asbestos and Fire Information team (AFIT)

AFIT can provide asbestos information for buildings, or direct access into the University’s online asbestos database.

Surveys of campus buildings showing the fire compartmentation lines are also available and AFIT can offer support with ensuring that breaches to the fabric of the building maintain fire compartmentation.

For any queries about asbestos or fire integrity, please contact AFIT.

Some of the services provided are;

  • Ensure works are carried out safely, without disturbing asbestos materials

  • Ensure that the University complies with asbestos legislation

  • Manage the University’s Asbestos Register

  • Manage asbestos removal projects across campus

  • Respond to queries and concerns about asbestos

  • Annual inspection of asbestos materials

  • Provide information about the University’s fire integrity surveys

  • Provide support with fire integrity works

  • Keep the fire integrity information for campus up-to-date

Asbestos OfficerGraham Fahy07715414615
Asbestos OfficerVicki Grimshaw07712235657
Asbestos AdministratorTracey SeniorContact via email at