Isolation of steam on campus

Last updated on 7 December 2023

On Saturday 18 November from 4am-12pm there will be an isolation of steam to main campus buildings north of Roger Stevens to carry out repairs on steam and condense pipework.

Services to be interrupted

Heating, domestic hot water and steam supplied autoclaves.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

There will be no heating to steam supplied buildings. Autoclaves will be unusable for the duration of the works. All buildings will have no hot water unless they have backup systems.


For enquiries please contact: David Johnston

Contact Telephone No: 0113 343 5997 Mobile: 07946 004 835



If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or email:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.