Multi-storey car park at University of Leeds

University increases number of electric vehicle charging points

Last updated on 24 July 2023

Further electric vehicle (EV) charging points are being installed throughout the coming weeks across the campus in line with ambitions for sustainable travel set out in the University’s Climate Plan.

Existing charging units will be replaced with new equipment that allows for collection of data. This will help the University to better understand usage trends and the needs of staff, students and visitors, helping to improve user experience.

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People will need to download an app to use the new chargers which can also be accessed through a QR code on the equipment. There is no fee for using the charging points.


There will be 14 new charging points in the Orange Zone of the multi-storey car park, doubling the current capacity. Existing charging points will be replaced at The Edge and on Cavendish Road.

There will also be new units at Bodington Football Hub and the Brownlee Centre.

James Wright, Senior Maintenance Manager, Facilities Directorate said:

“Delivering services that focus on the needs and expectations of our communities and on environmental sustainability is key to our work and the FD’s business plan – Our Way Ahead.

“We are continually looking at opportunities to improve service delivery and align to the priorities of the university.

Find out more information about car parking at the University of Leeds.