Garstang – April 2023

Last updated on 12 June 2023

On 29 April at 6am – 12pm, due to a leak in the duct and the repair required there will be no mains cold water to Garstang.

Services to be interrupted

Mains cold water.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

There will be no running cold water between times specified.


For enquiries please contact: Lee Bedford

Mobile: 07932 947151


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Fine Art – May 2023

Last updated on 12 June 2023

On 2 May – 2 June at 8am – 4pm, there will be external redecoration to the rear and sides of the Fine Art building.

The works will take approximately 5 weeks, two MEWPs (mobile elevating platform) will be in use and working areas will be closed off.

Services to be interrupted


Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Carpark to 28 University Rd will have limited access for the first two weeks, and then the rear of the building will have limited access for the following three weeks.


For enquiries please contact: Matt Easton

Contact telephone no: 0113 3435251

Mobile: 07775 074225


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Stevie Kilgour standing inside Great Hall building

Ten minutes with Stevie Kilgour, Facilities Team Leader

Last updated on 25 May 2023

Meet Stevie Kilgour, Facilities Team Leader at the University of Leeds. He works on maintaining the campus and supporting annual events held at the University.

Describe your job in a couple of sentences

Stevie Kilgour: “I am the Facilities Team Leader so I manage a team of 18 Facilities Assistants. We work across the whole campus, maintaining building access and teaching spaces. We also support events including; graduation ceremonies, open days and the International Medieval Conference.”

Tell us about a current project

“At any one time we have a whole host of events and duties going on. We don’t necessarily work with one project at a time we work from 7am till 10pm on anything and everything across campus.

“One interesting event we are working to support is the Leeds Barn Boot Camp which is part of the Leeds 2023 Year of Culture programme.

“We also recently worked with Times Higher – Digital Universities UK event in the Esther Simpson Building which played host to many keynote speakers from leading higher education, industry leaders.

“In January 2023, we enjoyed hosting Kate Middleton on her recent visit to our University.”

What aspects of your work do you think are the most important to people at the University (staff/students)?

Our work is centred on the people who make this University great – the students and staff. We have their best interests and security at the centre of everything we do. Without them here we would not be needed. To work alongside great staff and see students excel over the time is a great thing to be part of.

Safety, knowledge, trust and passion to maintain the reputation of the University and the service are what drives me.

What do you like most about your job?

The scope of the job. We work across campus and in every building. We meet so many people and no two days are quiet. It can be office-based a lot of the time but ultimately we are an operational service and getting around our beautiful campus (especially in the summer) is essential to the service and a blessing. The Grounds and Gardens team are amazing here.

Tell us about a project you are particularly proud of.

No single project as all, have their own challenges and merits. However, every year we support open days and see new students arrive with their families, and the nervous excitement of the challenge ahead in their faces. Then later on we see them graduate – grown, strong and proud of the journey they have been on and that they are now Leeds Alumni.

Follow our ‘Ten Minutes With’ series on @UoLCampusDevelopment.

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Concrete Survey: EC Stoner and Social Sciences – April 2023

Last updated on 12 June 2023

All day on 24 April – 25 April, there will be a concrete survey of EC Stoner and Social Sciences.

Reasons for works/service interruption

Concrete Survey to external elevations of EC Stoner and Social Sciences.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Cherry picker to access north elevations of the above buildings. Access to the road to the rear of EC Stoner will be limited.


For enquiries please contact: George Drake

Mobile: 07789 430273


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Fire Alarm Testing – April 2023

Last updated on 12 June 2023

An operational testing of the fire alarm systems has been scheduled to take place between 24 April – 27 April, from 6am – 9am, at the following locations:

  • EC Stoner – 24 April
  • Worsley – 25 April
  • Fine Art – 26 April
  • School of English – 27 April

Commencing at 6am, fire alarm sounders will be activated during the testing for as short a duration as possible. From 9am onwards detectors will be silent.

In the unlikely event of the sounder continuously sounding, please evacuate the building.

Services to be interrupted


Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Audible fire alarm sound.


For enquiries please contact: Fire Alarm


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Worsley Building

Last updated on 12 June 2023

On 24 April – 1 September 2023, the FMH Clinical Skills department will be relocating to Level 9 of the Worsley Building.

Reasons for works/service interruption

The existing office space and meeting rooms around staircases E & F will be converted into teaching rooms and medical training wards.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Presence of building contractor on Level 9. Site compound to rear of staircase E in black zone car park. Restricted access across Level 9. Some noise.


For enquiries please contact: Ed Batty

Contact Telephone No: 0113 343 6820 Mobile: 07957 378971


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Concrete Survey: EC Stoner and IT Services – April 2023

Last updated on 12 June 2023

On 19 April – 20 April at 6am, there will be a concrete survey of EC Stoner and IT Services.

Reasons for works/service interruption

Concrete survey to external elevations of EC Stoner and IT Services.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Cherry picker to access whole elevations of the above buildings.


For enquiries please contact: George Drake

Mobile: 07789 430273


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Concrete Survey: Maths, Earth and Environment – April 2023

Last updated on 20 April 2023

On 18 April at 6am, there will be a concrete survey of the School of Maths and the Earth and Environment building.

Reasons for works/service interruption

Concrete Survey.

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Cherry Picker to above buildings.


For enquiries please contact: George Drake

Mobile: 07789 430273


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Two individuals participating in virtual reality

HELIX: New space for digital innovation

Last updated on 25 October 2023

Over 700 delegates at the Digital Universities UK Conference this week will have the opportunity to preview a cutting-edge new space on campus for digital innovation – HELIX.


The new space, developed by the Facilities Directorate (FD) on behalf of the Digital Education Service (DES) and others across the University, and built by construction company Overbury, will be one of the stops on tour of digital expertise on campus.

Ann Allen, Director of Campus Innovation and Development said:

“The FD supports the University by creating amazing spaces and experiences on campus that enable students and staff to achieve their potential.

State-of-the-art equipment

With state-of-the-art equipment such as the only Omnideck in the UK, HELIX will facilitate the development, testing and delivery of digital learning assets to support student education.  It further cements the position of the University at the forefront of digital provision.

Users will have access to immersive technology, prototyping equipment, and multimedia production studios. It will encourage community: a core value for the University and the FD – and is a major step in the University’s digital transformation strategy.”

When will it launch?

HELIX is in the final stages of its build and will be open for general use in May.

The Times Higher Education Digital Universities UK Conference is being hosted by the University of Leeds from 17-20 April.

“HELIX is a brilliant example of a collaborative space that will bring together a whole host of people – students, cross-faculty academics and external stakeholders – to create and learn.”

To find out more about the project, please visit the DES webpage. To get more updates from Estates and Facilities, visit our news section here.

Find out more about the opening by following @UoLCampusDevelopment 

Filming Project – April 2023

Last updated on 20 April 2023

On 19 April at 7am – 6pm, areas outside of Charles Thackrah, and Roger Stevens Red Route Corridor will be impacted by a filming project. Parking outside of Irene Manton will be temporarily suspended to facilitate filming.

Services to be interrupted


Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

  • Two disabled bays outside of Charles Thackrah will be in use for prop Ambulances from 7am – 9am.
  • Charles Thackrah, Roger Stevens Red Route Corridor and external areas outside of Irene Manton will have filming through-out the day, pedestrians access will be maintained at all times apart from short durations when filming is taking place
  • There will be temporary parking suspensions outside of Irene Manton (entrance via Willow Road Terrace) from 7am – 5pm 19 April, deliveries can still take place and this will have no impact to the Post Office.

For enquiries please contact: Chelsea Rolfe

Mobile: 07425 209798  


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.