Electrical Engineering compressed air

Last updated on 19 September 2023

On Tuesday 29 August from 8am-12pm the compressed air for Electrical Engineering will be switched off.  The compressed air will be reinstated once works have been completed.

Services to be interrupted

Compressed air distribution

Effects of this interruption upon building occupants

Compressed air powered equipment and tools will be inoperable during the disruption period.


For enquiries please contact: G Quinn or L Sollitt

Contact  Mobile: 07795401156 / 07392294573

Email: g.quinn2@leeds.ac.uk


If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or email: eshelp@leeds.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

EC Stoner Stairs

Last updated on 6 September 2023

From Wednesday 30 August to Wednesday 6 September the below entrance door into Level 7 EC Stoner and flight of stairs down from that lobby to Level 6 and up to Level 8 will be closed for general use. This is due to work taking place on behalf of the Digital Education Service.

The outside of EC stoner


There will be signage in the locality.

Access in an emergency is still permitted.

Services to be interrupted

General use of this door and adjacent stair flights from Level 6 to Level 8.

Emergency access/use is not affected and still available.

Effects of this interruption 

Please find alternative routes for everyday access.


For general enquiries please contact:


HELIX | The Digital Education Service (leeds.ac.uk)


For enquiries please contact: Sarah Bacsich

Contact Mobile: 07864 954277

If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or email: eshelp@leeds.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Parking on Cemetery Road

Last updated on 19 September 2023

On Monday 18 September and Wednesday 27 September no parking will be available with access restrictions in place on Cemetery Road. This is due to the delivery of construction materials to the Bragg Service Yard/Goods Inwards.

Services to be interrupted

Parking restrictions and intermittent pedestrian management whilst materials are moved will be enforced. All fire escape routes will be made available in case of emergency and will be managed by the contractor, BAM Construction. Vehicles will be turning in front of the Mechanical Engineering loading bay doors resulting in restricted access.

Image displaying the effected areas near the medical and biological engineering building

Effects of this interruption 

Localised external disruption for the duration of the works including restricted access to the Mechanical Engineering workshop loading bay doors.

For enquiries please contact: Adam Ives. 

Contact Mobile: 07864 802 762

If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services or would like to add or remove a person from this email list, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or e-mail: eshelp@leeds.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Parkinson Building

Innovation in waste management helps University’s Net Zero goals 

Last updated on 18 August 2023

The University of Leeds is working with a new waste management provider to inform its approach to waste. 

Driving down carbon emissions

New contractors Mitie will work with Cleaning Services and other teams in the Facilities Directorate (FD) to explore further waste reduction techniques, seeking to eliminate waste before it’s created and driving down carbon emissions.


Michael Longstaff, Interim Deputy Director, Estates & Facilities, said:  

“We are now able to more effectively assess data and analyse the lifecycle of waste to inform interventions in our drive towards Net Zero, one of the seven principles of the University’s Climate Plan. 

“Awarding a new waste contract following a tendering process is in line with the FD’s delivery of services that stay focused on the needs of our communities and on environmental and financial sustainability 

“Our activity must reflect the expectations, needs and experience of students, staff and wider University communities while ensuring we operate in an efficient and sustainable way, as outlined in our business plan.” 


Thom Cooper, Acting Head of Sustainability, University of Leeds said: 

“What we purchase, use and dispose of at the University has big implications for sustainability. Working collaboratively with Mitie will enable us to minimise and simplify the waste we produce and therefore reduce our emissions and the resources we consume on a daily basis.  

“While our emissions from waste are not included in our Net Zero 2030 target, they are an important part of Net Zero Plus – those scope three emissions that we need to eliminate to meet our target of achieving no direct emissions by 2050.  

“Identifying ways to reduce or even avoid creating waste in the first place, therefore, and increasing recovery and recycling of what is left, supports the delivery our ambitious Climate Plan.” 


Waste management innovation

Under the contract, Mitie will build and maintain relationships that enhance and support the operation of waste management at the University as well as manage all subcontractors, optimise the collection schedule, provide and analyse data and suggest waste management innovations. 

There is also new guidance around ordering skips which can be found on the University’s purchasing website.

Visit the Cleaning Services webpage for further information. 

Find out more about sustainability at the University of Leeds by visiting here.

Alex Lilley outside the Esther Simpson building

Ten minutes with Alex Lilley

Last updated on 30 August 2023

Meet Alex Lilley, Interior Designer in the Facilities Directorate at the University of Leeds. Alex is currently working on projects in the E C Stoner building and The Edge, as well as other multifunctional spaces across the University of Leeds campus.

Tell us about a current project

I’m working on a couple of projects in E C Stoner at the moment. I joined the University as the Helix project – a new space for digital innovation – was in its final stages. I’m now coordinating finishing touches including two murals from local artist Nicolas Dixon; who also did the mural on the side of The Edge.

We’re also looking at refurbishing Level 9 in E C Stoner as a few teams have grown and need extra space. It’s been empty since everything shut down during the pandemic and we want to modernise and make it look smart.

What aspects of your work are the most important to people at the University?

It’s really important to create environments that we actually want to spend time in. As staff we spend so much time in our workplace so we need multifunctional spaces with areas for quiet and collaboration, and it’s similar for students.

I want people to come into a space and psychologically feel good about being there – it’s spaces that not only create a good first impression but that actually work for people and continue to work for years to come.

What do you like most about your job?

I love how varied everything is. Since starting with the University I’ve already worked on such a large range of projects including office spaces to cafes, and we’re also at the beginning of looking at a new Muslim prayer space. No two days are the same!

Tell us about a project you are particularly proud of 

I’ve just finished a major renovation of my house! My partner and I bought an old village prison in West Yorkshire –  complete with wooden stocks in the front flowerbed – and we’ve been refurbishing it and have finally moved back. It was a big challenge and I’m really proud of it!

Follow our ‘Ten Minutes With’ series on @UoLCampusDevelopment.

Interested in finding out more about University of Leeds campus developments? You can keep up to date by subscribing to our bi-monthly email newsletter.

Isolation of power in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Buildings

Last updated on 19 September 2023

On Wednesday 23 August from 10am-1pm there will be isolation of power to electrical panel SB2 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Helium Recovery Suite.

Services to be interrupted

Power services from electrical switch panel SB2 in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Helium Recovery Suite as per the attached plan.

See plan here.

Effects of this interruption

There will be no power to the area as shown on the attached plan between 10am and 1pm. To reduce the risk of nuisance tripping when the power is restored please turn off all equipment in advance.


For enquiries please contact: Adam Ives
Mobile: 07864 802 762
Email: a.ives@leeds.ac.uk

If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or email: eshelp@leeds.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

Great Hall Electrical Shutdown

Last updated on 14 August 2023

Thursday 3 August

Front doors of Laidlaw Library

Last updated on 14 August 2023

On Saturday 5 August from 10:30am-12:00pm there will be closure of the front doors of Laidlaw Library. This is to facilitate the repair to high level parapet coping stone.

Services to be interrupted

No Access will be available via the front doors of Laidlaw Library at the aforementioned date/time in order to safely carry out high level repairs. Alternative entry/exit routes will be utilised, and the exit may still be used in case of emergency only.

Effects of this interruption

Limited use of main entrance doors.


For enquiries please contact: Adam Ives

Mobile: 07864 802 762

Email: a.ives@leeds.ac.uk

If the above member of staff is unavailable, you have any general queries about our services, please contact the Estate Services Helpdesk on 0113 343 5555 or email: eshelp@leeds.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

The cleaning team at the University of Leeds

Cleaning Services achieve national training accreditation

Last updated on 28 July 2023

The University’s Cleaning Services team has become a British Institute of Cleaning Science-accredited training centre. The accreditation means that the team can standardise and deliver staff training to the high level set out by BICSc which is recognised internationally and across the industry as a gold standard.   

Helping the University achieve its aims

 Jill Roberts, Head of Cleaning Services said: 

“Delivering excellent standards of cleaning and service supports the University in achieving its aims.  

“The BICSc accreditation ensures that our highly-motivated team can develop professionally and consistently along industry guidelines, and I hope gives staff and students even more confidence in their fantastic colleagues.   

“The first part of the training initiative – the Cleaning Supervisor Certificate – has been very successful and participants feel they have hugely benefitted from it.  

“The relentless hard work, enthusiasm and passion of Dawn Abel, our training coordinator, has been at the forefront of this achievement. Thank you, Dawn!” 


Leadership and direction

James Atkins, Verification and Support Specialist at BICSc said :

Accreditation requires leadership and direction, drive, and a willingness to learn and adapt to new ideas, whether you have been in the profession for 20 years or 20 months. We encountered all of these qualities and many more while working with Cleaning Services at the University of Leeds.  

“It has been a pleasure working with Jill and Dawn and the rest of the team and we look forward to  supporting them in the future.” 


Pictured left to right: Jill Roberts, Head of Cleaning Services, James Atkins, BICSc Verifier, Dawn Abel Training Coordinator and BICSc Assessor, & Denise Hanson BICSc Commercial Director

Find out more information about cleaning services at the University of Leeds.

Multi-storey car park at University of Leeds

University increases number of electric vehicle charging points

Last updated on 24 July 2023

Further electric vehicle (EV) charging points are being installed throughout the coming weeks across the campus in line with ambitions for sustainable travel set out in the University’s Climate Plan.

Existing charging units will be replaced with new equipment that allows for collection of data. This will help the University to better understand usage trends and the needs of staff, students and visitors, helping to improve user experience.

Download the Monta app

People will need to download an app to use the new chargers which can also be accessed through a QR code on the equipment. There is no fee for using the charging points.


There will be 14 new charging points in the Orange Zone of the multi-storey car park, doubling the current capacity. Existing charging points will be replaced at The Edge and on Cavendish Road.

There will also be new units at Bodington Football Hub and the Brownlee Centre.

James Wright, Senior Maintenance Manager, Facilities Directorate said:

“Delivering services that focus on the needs and expectations of our communities and on environmental sustainability is key to our work and the FD’s business plan – Our Way Ahead.

“We are continually looking at opportunities to improve service delivery and align to the priorities of the university.

Find out more information about car parking at the University of Leeds.