Campus Improvement Project

  • Work begins: Early 2025 
  • Work completed: Late 2025 


The University of Leeds is undertaking an extensive series of works to improve its campus, investing £32 million in 2025.

The project will see the creation of new informal student spaces, along with the upgrading of teaching spaces.

It will also focus on updates to lighting, audio-visual equipment and decoration, all helping to enhance the experience of students.

Further Information

Morgan Sindall have been appointed by the University to undertake the work.

Work will begin in early 2025 and is expected to complete in late 2025. Some of the projects are subject to planning permission.

As part of its delivery of the project, Morgan Sindall will deliver a social value plan that will ensure the project benefits the wider Leeds community.

Contact Details

Mark Wilson, Development Project Manager (Capital Improvement Programme)

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Student spaces

Improving, upgrading and renovating existing and new student spaces to improve campus life for our students.

Chemistry Building 

Refurbishment of the Chaston Chapman Lounge – a student facing breakout space, which is used for events including open days and offer holder events. 

Red Route coffee shop 

Conversion of unused coffee shop on the Red Route into a comfortable collaborative student learning space, providing areas to sit down and study or work together.  

Garstang Building 

Conversion of Room 7.35 to provide a comfortable hub for students with space to study, collaborate and meet.  

Maurice Keyworth Building 

Creation of an MBA suite to improve the student experience.

LC Miall 

Refurbishment of existing teaching laboratories.  

EC Stoner 

Refurbishment of existing open plan student space on Level 9. 

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